Thursday, January 3, 2008

Pain & Joy

I had a strange feeling yesterday, I don’t know what it was, but it was bothering me. I had a mixed year 2007, and certainly not the best. The only best thing was an offer from UQ for PhD. And one more thing, that was one of the wonderful moments in my life. But it was short lived and I never knew that. How do you feel when you lost or stolen your favourite things, especially when it is very close to your heart? No matter what it is, where it is and how it is – but lost is lost. One second, there was a sense of belongingness, commitment, trust, and love but the next second everything’s gone. Still I cant believe it. How commitment, trust and love can fail? Yeah, Nothing Lasts Forever. I wish I could get everything I want. But I know that its not possible. Why cant I start from here again - a whole new life? Somewhere I read “Life is like a wheel, one day you are up there and the other day you are down here” - Its true, isn’t it?

I’ve to accept that circumstances change, people change, feelings, ideas, and everything change. I’ve to believe that nothing is going to be last forever. There is an end for everything in this world and it includes relationships and friendships. What we can do is, prepare ourselves to meet the reality. Forget the pain and cherish all those best moments. That’s what I’m trying to do…

I hope that this 2008 will be a better one than the previous. I’ve got something to do and time will heal all the pain. And I believe, this New Year may bring peace, cheer, prosperity, and happiness!

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